He’s 28 years old, he suffers from a mild intellectual disability, lives on welfare, spends his days playing video games and weighs 366 pounds.

Yes, Christophe Robitaille is different.

Nevertheless, Christophe is one case among many others. Thousands are trying to find a place daily in a life that is often too fast and competitive for them. They are aware that sometimes they are a burden for their friends, their families, but some refuse to abdicate. Christophe is one of them.

Director : David Béland
Broadcaster : TV5 Québéc

Facebook : http://on.fb.me/YWvGnB


Présenté aux Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois édition 2013:

Nommé pour le prix Public Télé-Québec et le prix Pierre-et-Yolande-Perrault